

Service System

The purpose of the Library of the Faculty of Economics is to provide books and other library materials to support the teaching and learning process of ordinary and outstanding lecturers, students, support personnel and researchers in the scope of the Faculty of Economics. The Library collection of the Faculty of Economics consists of compulsory books, recommendations, references, magazines, newspapers, bulletins, and thesis.

The service system at the Library of the Faculty of Economics uses an open service system,while for thesis collection using a closedaccess system, the library is currently in the process of an integrated computerized system.

In the library there are several facilities such as: student and lecturer reading room, lesehan room, discussion room, locker, and notice information board.

Types of Services

  1. User services
  2. Circulation services (loaning and returning books)
  3. Reference service
  4. Magazine services and serialized publications
  5. Thesis service (final assignment)
  6. Information search services, including:
    • Catalog search
    • CD-ROM search
    • Internet search
  7. Photo copy service

Library Opening Hours

Campus A

Monday to Friday : 08.30-15.00 WIB and 16.00-19.00 WIB

Saturday : 08.30-12.00 WIB and 13.00-15.00 WIB

Campus F

Monday to Friday : 08.30-15.00 WIB

Saturday : 08.30-12.00 WIB

Library Location

  1. Campus “A” building I 2nd floor.
  2. Campus “F” building A 3rd floor.
  3. Campus “A” building I Ground Floor (Library of Islamic Economics and Master of Accounting).
  4. Campus “A” building I Ground Floor (IEF Syariah Library).
  5. Campus “A” building K 3rd Floor (Library Diploma III Accounting Taxation Program). Online Access


Members of the Faculty of Economics Library consist of:

  1. Student
  2. Educative Energy
  3. Research Force
  4. Support Energy
  5. Visiting Scholar


  1. Reading room, lesehan room, student discussion room, lecturer reading room
  2. Internet
  3. Information board/announcement
  4. Locker


Each member of the library is allowed to borrow library materials with the following conditions:

  1. Shows your own library member card when borrowing a book.
  2. The borrower is responsible for the reading material he or she borrows and is not allowed to lend to others.
  3. Borrowers can borrow a maximum of 2 (two) book titles.
  4. Loan Time:
    • For students, book loans are given for 1 (one) week.
    • For lecturers who have become members, loans can be given for 1 (one) month.
  5. Journals and Reference Books (such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, research reports, yearbooks, atlases, newspapers, etc.) are not loaned to take home, but should only be read in the reading room or in photocopies.
  6. Each visitor is required to put their bags and belongings in the locker and fill out a book listing library visitors.
  7. For students who will attend the Thesis Hearing is required to request a FREE LETTER BORROWED from the library

Sanctions and Fines

  1. Fines are imposed on book borrowers who are late to return them for Rp 500,- per day per book.
  2. Lost books should be replaced with the same book.
  3. For users who commit acts of vandalism (raiding, theft, destruction of library collections and facilities) will be submitted to the authorities.
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